I recently met up with one my friends and his daugther who is 7 years old. She is at that age where she loves playing with Barbie dolls and when I last saw her I promised her that I'd make some new clothes for her Barbie.
I remembered when I was a similar age and I also had barbie dolls which I had knitted clothes for. I was able to do this as one of my old neighbours was an avid knitter and she gave me some 1970s Sindy Doll knitting patterns.
The other year my mum was clearing out her loft and found my old knitting stuff from when I was a girl and amongst this was the doll clothes knitting patterns. I therefore used these to make the clothes for the modern day Barbie.
The first item I knitted was a cape (see below):
It was funny knitting this again as I remember knitting one when I was a little girl. I added beads for the front opening as buttons.
I next made a stripey dress with a white stand up collor - see image below:
Again I loved the colours I picked to make it. On the original instructions it said to just sew up the back but I decided to adapt the pattern and also make it into a coat as well by adding a garter stitch border on the end seams (see below)
It brought back great memories for me knitting these items and reading the instructions again. I even found an original post-it note attached to the pattern from when I was a young girl with tally marks from where I had counted the rows!